(AKA: We are still not DTC)
In my desire to get "there", I assumed that our papers would fly off to China within a day or two of being received in New York last Tuesday. No one told me that would happen. I just believed it was so and spent an exhausting week waiting for an email that never came. And then when an email did show up it was only to request more pictures or a different set of pictures and not to tell me we had those three little letters.. DTC.
DTC, Date To China, is like the first time you see the building come into view as you drive up to the business. It's not even opening the door, not walking in or even getting in line....
The problem with all these "acronyms" (DTC, LID, LOA, I800, "Article 5" and TA... ) is simply that they allow us to focus on little incremental points along this big long path and every little step carries so much weight or ... wait..... too much room for all the worries to grow in. At first having these little steps to aim for seemed good, like hopping across a lake stone by stone, but looking at your feet the whole way, you forget to look up and when you do it can be a little overwhelming how far away the shore still is. Once we have DTC we will then begin the WAIT for LID and then the WAIT for LOA and then the WAIT for... and so on and so on you see..... until we have him in our arms.
I am going to do my best to let go of all the acronyms..... ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.
(But maybe we will be DTC tomorrow and that would be auspicious as it is Steven's Birthday.... )
Sigh.... It's hard.
We have been told we don't even have a snowball's chance in hell of getting to China in 2015. We were hoping for December. Now we are just praying it's before Chinese New Year and before he turns 3.....
So, the paper work if complete and now we settle in and wait and hope and wait and try not to let it make us just a little crazy that half way across the globe there is a little baby boy, who we love already, waiting for us too.