- Height and Weight measurements - Height 85CM, weight 12.7KG, Head 49CM, feet 14.5CM ( I have a foot measurement! I can shop for shoes! )
- How is his health in general? - He's in good condition. He has good apetite.
- Has he been sick recently or hospitalized? If so, why? - No illness. But he sometimes will get eczema. ( Phew! )
- Is he still in the “Grandmother” program with Half the Sky? - He still in Half the Sky project, but in Early Teaching Nursury Center program. :-)
- Does he have one caretaker he is close to in particular? If so, what is her name? - He is very close to a lady named Ke, Weifei, who is a teacher of the project.
- What type of bed does he sleep in, crib or open bed? - Baby crib, by himself.
- Does he sleep alone or with another child? - Sleep alone in his crib, but with other kids in one room.
- How is he bathed? - He stands in a bath tub with some water in and do a shower.
- Is he still wearing diapers at night? - Yes, only at night. Daytime he will let you know if he needs to go, but if he went to a new environment or with new faces suggest to wear a diaper.
- Who are his closet friends and what are their names? - They are Mao, Liguo, Mao, Liyou, Mao, Fuhu. They are not adopted yet, their dossier were just sent to CCCWA.
These pictures are simply a treasure we did not expect! He is a little taller, 1.5 inches taller than June, and he weighs the same. We even got a foot measurement (I can go shoe shopping!) To see that our little boy has someone special he cares about, and that he gets taken on little outings, is truly a blessing! We. Can't. Wait!
1 comment :
I forgot to ask what you like to eat!!!
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