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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mama Hao Ke Wei Fe

I know. 
I know this boy cannot live in the orphanage forever. 
I know his caretakers want for him to have a family. 
I know his medical condition means he must leave China
in order to live a healthy and normal life. 

I know these things are true. 

And  I know that this woman is his mama. Not his first mama, not the only mama he has ever known, or the forever mama I will be, but the one he knows right now and the one he has known the longest and the best. 
The one he loves now. 
The one he will lose.

Have you seen the picture of him at the store? She takes him shopping. 
Out of the orphanage, to the store, shopping. I am not sure how common that is, but I haven't ever heard of that being done by nannies in the orphanages. Foster care yes, but not SWI caretakers. He is a favorite. And for all this loving attention we will always be forever grateful. 

We are forever grateful for the loving care he is receiving and so afraid for the loss this little boy is going experience. We sit heartbroken at the thought of the heartbreak he will endure in order to be come our boy. In order to gain this mama, this dada, this big sister, this family.

Ke Wei Fei. From one mama to another, 
thank you for keeping his heart and teaching him to trust 
and it surely seems to me, for loving him.

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